Downloading ProTA

Your download will automatically start in a few seconds.

Click here if your download does not automatically start.

 Step 1: Once the download has completed, check your Downloads folder

• Our web site has downloaded a file named to your Downloads folder.  

• If your browser has automatically expanded the .zip file, you will see a folder named ProTA 4.51 in your Downloads folder.

• If your browser did not expanded the .zip file, please double-click the file to expand it.

 Step 2: Move ProTA to your Applications folder

If you are upgrading from a previous version, quit ProTA if it is running.

• Within your Downloads folder, open the ProTA 4.51 folder.

• Drag the ProTA application icon from the ProTA 4.51 folder to your Applications folder.

• If you are upgrading from a previous version, the Finder will ask if you would like to replace the existing file - click Replace.

 Step 3: Launch ProTA

• Within your Applications folder, double-click the ProTA icon to run the program.

• To keep ProTA permanently located in your Dock, drag its icon to a position further left in the Dock.

• The ProTA 4.51 folder in in your Downloads folder includes several useful pdf’s to help you get started:

• ProTA New User ReadMe

• What's New in ProTA

• ProTA User Manual

• ProTA Mobile User Manual

See What’s New in 4.51 - Complete Version History

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